On April 10, 2019, The Coalition for Fair Trade in Ceramic Tile filed antidumping and countervailing duty petitions on imports of ceramic tile products from China.
According to the petition, the subject merchandise includes ceramic flooring tile, wall tile, paving tile, hearth tile, porcelain tile, mosaic tile, finishing tile, and the like. All ceramic tile is subject to the scope regardless of whether the tile is glazed or unglazed, regardless of size, regardless of the water absorption coefficient by weight, regardless of the extent of vitrification, and regardless of whether or not the tile is on a backing. Ceramic tile is covered by the scope regardless of end use, size, thickness, and weight. For the avoidance of doubt, subject merchandise includes tiles pressed as very large single pieces, up to and exceeding 5’ X 15’.
The petition continues that subject merchandise includes ceramic tile produced in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that undergoes minor processing in a third country prior to importation into the United States. Similarly, subject merchandise includes ceramic tile produced in the PRC that undergoes minor processing after importation into the United States. Such minor processing includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: beveling, cutting, trimming, staining, painting, polishing, finishing, or any other processing that would otherwise not remove the merchandise from the scope of the investigation if performed in the country of manufacture of the in-scope product.
Subject merchandise is currently classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule under the following *subheadings of heading 6907: 6907.21.10.05, 6907.21.10.11, 6907.21.10.51, 6907.21.20.00, 6907.21.30.00, 6907.21.40.00, 6907.21.90.11, 6907.21.90.51, 6907.22.10.05, 6907.22.10.11, 6907.22.10.51, 6907.22.20.00, 6907.22.30.00, 6907.22.40.00, 6907.22.90.11, 6907.22.90.51, 6907.23.10.05, 6907.23.10.11, 6907.23.10.51, 6907.23.20.00, 6907.23.30.00, 6907.23.40.00, 6907.23.90.11, 6907.23.90.51, 6907.30.10.05, 6907.30.10.11, 6907.30.10.51, 6907.30.20.00, 6907.30.30.00, 6907.30.40.00, 6907.30.90.11, 6907.30.90.51, 6907.40.10.05, 6907.40.10.11, 6907.40.10.51, 6907.40.20.00, 6907.40.30.00, 6907.40.40.00, 6907.40.90.11, and 6907.40.90.51. Subject merchandise may also enter under subheadings of headings 6914 and 6905: 6914.10.80.00, 6914.90.80.00, 6905.10.00.00, and 6905.90.00.50. *The HTS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes only.
The scope excludes ceramic bricks properly classified under HTS 6904.10.00.10 through 6904.90.00.00.
Please contact Vandegrift with any questions regarding the ADD/CVD petitions on ceramic tiles.