Fourth Set of Exclusions to List 3 Issued

The US Trade Representative has published the fourth set of exclusions to the Chinese 301 tariffs List 3. There are 36 exclusions in this round, including two tariff level exclusions for 8409.91.3000 for aluminum cylinder heads for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or heading 8702, 8703 o4 8704; and for 8708.50.9500 for half-shafts for parts of motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, other than for tractors and vehicles of heading 8703. These latest exclusions will be claimed using HTS 9903.88.34.

As noted in a previous advisory, there will be no more exclusions published for Lists 1 and 2. The USTR is accepting comments until November 30, 2019 to extend certain exclusions granted for List 1 last December.